It will be available to the public any time from the last 2 weeks of

December 2024 (keep checking back).

It is possible to make sales and shipments in different volumes upon special request, please write to contact and we will respond as soon as possible.

International purchases are available through Amazon Global Services.

Once available, click on the images and you will be redirected to the sales site.


100 % Natural Product. No other products are used in the processing plant. Chontaduro powder is free of allergens derived from products such as Eggs, Fish, Milk and other dairy products, Peanuts and other nuts, Shellfish, Soy or soya, Wheat. Food additives such as colorings, thickeners and preservatives are also not used.

PEACH PALM FRUIT POWDER (0,55 lb) 249.5 g

The chontaduro powder can be used in a variety of ways from daily consuming, energy boosts, digestive health, culinary, and even biodegradable dye.